Send a fun filled birthday card to make your loved one's day even more special.
A lovely card with bright roses to wish special birthday for the very special person!
Wish happy birthday to your loved ones with this perfect birthday greeting
Send this beautiful birthday card to your family and friends on their birthday and...
Send happy birthday wishes funny grumpy candle band video.
A beautiful greeting to send loving birthday wishes to family, friends and everyone...
Happy birthday song sung by grumpy cat.
Send this cute greetings to your friends & family to wish happy birthday.
A cute birthday ecard to share best wishes on your friends and dear ones birthday.
Celebrate your special birthday with dancing penguins!
Send this cheerful, e-greeting/ ecard to family & friends on their birthday.
Send a sparkling birthday wish to your dear ones.
Here is a cool ecard with a box full of surprise for your friends and family.
A cute kitten wishes happy birthday.
Humorous birthday ecard for a wine lover.
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