Pozdrav'te dorogih vam ludei etoi zamechatel'noi animacionnoi otkrytkoi.
Pozdrav'te etoy otkrytkoy svoiu vtoruyu polovinku.
Rated 4.5 | 501 views
Prostaya, no ochen' milaya otkrytka s blagodarnost'yu.
Rated 4.0 | 388 views
Otprav'te etu otkrytku lyubimomu cheloveku na vashu godovshhinu.
Rated 4.0 | 342 views
Birthdays are never complete until you've sent happy birthday wishes to a friend or to...
Hey, it's National Day of Encouragement! Step in and boost...
Aren't birthdays and fun synonymous? Get the best funny birthday wishes to send to...
It's Chocolate Milkshake Day. Time for all those who love...
Birthday wishes definitely adds cheer on your friends' or loved ones' birthday. So go...
They are a fun couple. You really make a good foursome or if you are single, they...
Hey, it's Video Games Day! Jam with your friends and loved...
When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the...
When two human beings are involved, strange things could happen, which is why we...
On your son's or daughter's birthday let him or her know what a wonderful difference...
Out of sight but never out of my mind! If there is someone who is ruling your mind...
Hey it's Chocolate Day! So indulge yourself or share...
Call it baseless fear, an illogical apprehension or an...
So you've found your perfect match and now it’s his/ her birthday! A must have...
Rock, reggae, rap and roll or jazz! Wish your loved ones with all kinds of birthday...
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