Un message chaleureux pour le jour de la Femme!
Rated 3.2 | 1,009 views
Joyeuse journée de la femme spéciale!
Rated 3.0 | 1,414 views
Faites la se sentir spéciale pour le jour de la femme.
Rated 3.0 | 604 views
Un beau souhait pour la journée de la femme pour une femme spéciale.
Rated 3.2 | 1,435 views
Birthdays are never complete until you've sent happy birthday wishes to a friend or to...
Presidents' Day is celebrated to honor the accomplishments...
Aren't birthdays and fun synonymous? Get the best funny birthday wishes to send to...
Birthday wishes definitely adds cheer on your friends' or loved ones' birthday. So go...
Hey, it's Intl. Friendship Week! So celebrate the bond...
Out of sight but never out of my mind! If there is someone who is ruling your mind...
When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the...
Hey, it's Temporary Insanity Day! Time for you to spend...
They are a fun couple. You really make a good foursome or if you are single, they...
On your son's or daughter's birthday let him or her know what a wonderful difference...
Everybody deserves a bit of kindness. Do something...
A friend in bed is no fun indeed, so wish your buddy who's unwell a speedy recovery...
When two human beings are involved, strange things could happen, which is why we...
Missed your friend or loved one's birthday? Don't fret over it! Make up for the miss...
Lick! Slurp! Chocolate Mint Day is here! So just give in...
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