Smita Shet (smita2905)

Smita Shet (smita2905)

  • Member Since:
  • Feb 15, 2018

About me

Artist bio not available 

Works of Smita

Falling In Love, Love Message.

Falling In Love, Love Message.

This card will brighten the mood of your beloved. Send this card and set up the...

Love For You, Be With You

Love For You, Be With You

Send this card to your beloved and express how much you love him/her.


  • • Ecards: 2
  • • Total ecards sent: 142
  • • Average rating per ecard: 4.44
  • • Average views per ecard: 450
  • • Followers: 1
Interested In
  • • Job Offers
  • • Freelance Works
  • • Career Opportunities
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Developer Details
  • Zip Code:
  • 500084

